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- RAR - What's new in the latest version
- Version 2.80
- 1. We express our gratitude to Francesco Indrio
- <naradamoon@operamail.com> for designing all new WinRAR graphics.
- 2. Added support of Unicode in file names. It may help to avoid
- many problems related with national and some special characters
- in archived file names. The complete support of Unicode
- is available only for Windows NT and Windows 2000 users,
- but this feature still provides some benefits for
- Win9x/WinME users.
- 3. Dialogs "Info", "SFX", "Comment", "Lock" and "Protect" are
- combined to a single dialog, so you may change several
- archive parameters at once.
- 4. "Advanced SFX options" button added to SFX dialog allows
- to set additional parameters of SFX module such as extraction
- path, title, window text others.
- 5. Toolbar:
- a) toolbar buttons are reordered;
- b) "Add" button is now available also inside of archives;
- c) "Extract" and "Lock" are not present on the toolbar
- by default, but you may use "Extract To" and
- "Info/Options/Lock archive" instead. On the other hand
- it is possible to enable these buttons using a new
- "Select buttons..." command in "Settings/General" dialog;
- d) "Extract To" command now has the same Alt-E keyboard
- shortcut both inside and outside of archives.
- Shortcut of the "Extract" command is changed to "Alt-W".
- 6. Changes in the "Archive name and parameters" dialog:
- a) "General/Lock archive" option - lock a created or
- modified archive;
- b) "Advanced/Pause after each volume" option - always ask
- confirmation before creating next volume regardless
- of disk type;
- c) "Advanced/Recovery record" - specify the size of the recovery
- record as a percentage of the total archive size;
- d) "SFX options" - set parameters of the created SFX archive;
- e) "Files to add" and "Files to exclude" had been moved from
- "Advanced" to the new "Files" sheet;
- f) "Files/File paths" - select a method of storing file paths;
- g) "Put each file to separate archive" - put each selected file
- in the current folder and all files in selected subfolders to
- separate archives, each archive contains only one file.
- 7. "History" menu is removed. The names of a few recently opened
- archives are added to the end of "Files" menu.
- 8. The new "Import/Export" submenu in "Settings" menu includes
- two commands allowing to export WinRAR settings to Settings.reg
- file and import them later. It may be useful if you wish to
- restore WinRAR settings after re-installing Windows or if is
- needed to move them to another computer. Settings.reg file is
- created in the same folder as WinRAR.exe.
- 9. "Settings/General" dialog:
- a) "High priority" option is removed as it usually
- deteriorated overall system performance without any real
- increase of WinRAR performance. But "Low priority" option
- is present and it can be useful if you wish to give more
- processor time to other tasks.
- b) New "Keep archives history" option allows to disable
- storing the names of recently opened archives, for example,
- for security reasons.
- c) "Always on top" option places WinRAR window above all
- other programs. You may wish to set it if you frequently
- use WinRAR as a drag and drop target.
- d) Use "Toobar/Select buttons..." to customize WinRAR buttons.
- 10. "Settings/Compression" dialog:
- a) "Volume options" are removed. Now WinRAR always creates
- independent volumes, because they minimize data losses
- in case of archive damage.
- Compression profiles introduced in the previous version
- provide better flexibility than the removed "Always put
- recovery record" option. You may specify all required
- settings in a separate profile intended for volumes.
- b) "Default folder for extracted files" is moved to this dialog.
- Its behaviour is changed a bit, now it is used both in
- "Extract To" and "Extract" commands as the base part of
- the destination path. The complete path is constructed
- by appending an archive name to the default folder.
- "Settings/Extraction" dialog is removed.
- 11. New options in the "Settings/File list" dialog:
- a) "Show archives first" - display archive names above all
- other files in the file list window;
- b) "Merge volumes contents" - when you open the first volume,
- read and display contents of all volumes available in the same
- folder as the first volume.
- Both options are enabled by default.
- 12. "Settings/Viewer" dialog:
- a) "Reuse existing window" option tells WinRAR to keep
- only one internal viewer window.
- 13. Changes in the GUI SFX module script language:
- a) New "License" command displays a license text before
- extracting files;
- b) New "Presetup" command runs the specified program before
- extracting files;
- c) New "ExtSign" command informs SFX that additional data
- in free format may be present at the end of archive;
- d) script may include more than one Setup command;
- e) New optional syntax of "Text" command.
- "Text" and "License" commands now support some HTML tags;
- f) "Silent" command may have an optional parameter.
- 14. SFX module displays the total processed progress bar while
- unpacking files.
- 15. Archive information dialog:
- a) the authenticity information is displayed in a separate
- window, which can be scrolled to view very long AV strings;
- b) this dialog now contains the size of maximum continuous damaged
- area, which still can be repaired using the recovery record
- contained in the archive. This number is for the best case,
- a real value can be smaller depending on the type of damage.
- 16. Command 's-' allows to remove SFX module from SFX archive.
- 17. Switch '-ag' supports two new format parameters:
- a) 'W' - a number of the current week in a year;
- b) 'A' - a number of the current day in a week.
- Weeks start with Monday.
- 18. New switch '-k' - lock archive.
- 19. New switch '-vp' - pause after each volume.
- 20. You may specify the recovery record size as a percentage of the
- total archive size in 'rr' command and '-rr' switch. For
- example, -rr3%
- 21. New -ep2 switch - store full file paths when archiving.
- 22. You may break the archiving operation directly from
- the "Diagnostic messages" dialog using "Break operation" button.
- 23. Switches -inul and -y can be used in WinRAR command line
- to disable error messages.
- 24. Switch -sv is removed, now RAR and WinRAR by default create
- independent volumes. You may override it using the new -sd
- switch, but note that it reduces your chances to restore
- a part of data in case of archive damage.
- 25. In case of write error WinRAR asks for "Retry/Abort"
- confirmation instead of immediate aborting as before, so a user
- has a possibility to free some space on the destination disk.
- 26. The following keyboard shortcuts are now supported by WinRAR:
- a) F2 - rename a file under the cursor. It is supported
- only outside archives;
- b) F4 - open the address list.
- 27. RCVT archive converter is removed from WinRAR distributive.
- It is available in "RAR extras" section of www.rarsoft.com.
- 28. Note to users willing to translate WinRAR to their native
- language: please look at rarlng.rar archive in "RAR extras"
- section of www.rarsoft.com. Now it is possible to localize
- WinRAR very easily simply by editing plain text files.
- Version 2.71
- 1. Corrected a few bugs including the following Windows 2000
- compatibility issues:
- a) "New" command of Explorer context menu created zero length
- archives, which cannot be opened by WinRAR;
- b) archiving a large number of files (more than 300-400)
- using context menu did not work.
- Version 2.70
- 1. Both compression and speed have been improved for RAR archives.
- My thanks to Alexander Khoroshev, who, once again, provided
- invaluable assistance to improve this new version.
- 2. In previous versions it was necessary to have external archivers
- to unpack CAB, ARJ and LZH files. These are now supported internally
- by WinRAR, you no longer need to have other programs to extract
- from these archives.
- 3. Internal (extraction only) support has been added for TAR,
- GZ, ACE and UUE archives.
- 4. RAR and WinRAR are now able to store NTFS data streams.
- It is especially important under Windows 2000, which uses
- streams to keep some file dependent information such as
- file descriptions.
- Use switch -os to enable the storing of streams from
- the command line or set the option "Save file streams"
- in the "Archive name and parameters" dialog.
- This feature is supported only for RAR archives.
- 5. "Archive name and parameters" dialog has been split into four
- sections: general options, advanced options, backup options
- and archive comment. Now it is possible to set archive password
- or comment directly from this dialog.
- 6. You may save compression options to compression profiles
- to quickly restore them later, so you may create profiles
- for your typical archiving operations. Read the topic
- "Compression profiles" in the "Configuration settings" chapter
- for detailed information.
- 7. RAR and WinRAR are now able to store NTFS file owner, group, access
- control and audit information under Windows NT. Note: you need to
- have the necessary privileges in order to use this facility.
- Use switch -ow to enable the storing and extraction of this
- information from the command line or set the option "Save security
- data" in the "Archive name and parameters" dialog.
- This feature is supported for both RAR and ZIP archives.
- 8. Large disk folders are now read significantly faster in WinRAR.
- 9. Total progress bar is displayed when testing or extracting
- from a single RAR archive (except volumes) or group of archives.
- 10. New command line switches -to<time> and -tn<time> allow to
- process files older or newer than specified time. This feature
- is also available in the "Backup options" of the "Archive name
- and parameters" dialog.
- 11. New switch -ibck allows to run WinRAR minimized to tray, when
- archiving or extracting files from the command line.
- 12. Switch -rr and command RR are not limited to 8 recovery sectors.
- Now the recovery record may contain up to 4096 sectors.
- If the sectors number is not specified, the size of the recovery
- information is about 1.2% of the total archive size, this usually
- allows the recovery of up to 0.7% of continuously damaged data
- of the total archive size.
- Note that recovery records larger than 8 sectors cannot be used
- by previous RAR versions.
- 13. "Convert to SFX" command is now supported also for ZIP archives
- which are already in SFX format. This can be useful, if you wish
- to replace a particular SFX module.
- 14. "Open archive" item is added to "Files" menu.
- 15. Folder time stamps are restored, when unpacking an archive
- under Windows NT.
- 16. The default value of dictionary size is changed to 1024KB.
- 17. It is possible to specify the path to put a repaired archive
- in WinRAR.
- 18. Console RAR now supports wildcards in the archive name
- also in 'RR' command.
- 19. New switch -idp for console RAR disables displaying of
- the percentage indicator. May be useful when redirecting RAR output
- to a file.